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Writer’s block” and “Lack of Ideas” are the top 2 problems that writers and content creators face when it comes to generating content ideas for B2B social media marketing.

The challenges get tougher in the context of managing Business-to-Business social media accounts, because of the communication style and strategy differences between B2C and B2B brands.

After all, there are various passive responsibilities and expectations from customers, industry, thought-leaders and so on. Therefore it’s vital that your brand lives up to the mark to prove itself as a worthy provider of products & services. In fact, 70% of B2B marketers are creating more content than they did one year ago to improve brand presence and market credibility. 

Being a social media agency ourselves, we understand how itchy it can be to wear the hat of a social media manager for a B2B brand. The good news is - We’ve got the cure for that very itch as you read along.

Without delving too much into the theoretical details and with the hope that this article brings great value to your B2B business, we present you a list of 20 content ideas for B2B Social Media Marketing:

1. Tips & Tricks:
Be a source of inspiration and assistance to your audience and business associates. Post helpful tips that can help them improve performance, learn something new or uncover industry insights.

Here's an example from our blog:

9 Tips for Busy Sales Managers

2. Industry Insights:
This is one of the most important & respectable piece of information you can crate for your audience. Use the help of academic journals and research organizations’ archives to find relevant research. Browse through research that deserves social media coverage - no matter how old or new it may be. 

Content Marketing Institute & Marketing Profs publish regular industry insights and reports collaboratively such as this:

3. Informative Blogs: 
Create fresh content in the form of blog posts on your website and publicise them on social media everytime there’s a new one up. This tactic contributes to increased website figures and better SEO rankings. Writing blogs establishes your brand as a thought-leader & expert in your industry. This lends professionalism & credibility to your brand.

Add a separate blog section on your website and keep brewing fresh content to stay socially active. 

4. Case Studies:
Publishing Case Studies is a proven method of effectively showcasing your modus operandi and results. By giving your audience in-depth information about campaigns and best practices, you gain credibility and attention from potential customers.

5. E-Books:
In every audience group, there’s always someone who loves reading detailed content. Ask your marketing team to create informative e-books and promote them to earn higher engagement numbers among interested audiences. You could tie those e-books to a lead generation campaign behind opt-in forms too.

How to monitor social media in 10 minutes

6. Immersive & Educational Articles from Leading Blogs:
Always be on the lookout for well-written and helpful
  articles from dependable sources that you can share with your followers. This positions your B2B business as a trust-worthy and authoritative source of information.

7. Event Posts:
If your B2B firm is involved in any event or press-con, promote that activity online by tweeting major announcements by sharing insights from panel discussions and informative conversations. Tag the attendees for more chances of reposts.

8. Tutorials:
This a brilliant way of developing authority and respect in your industry. Create informative tutorials in various formats to help your audience with a difficult product/service.

9. Top *number* Lists:
Everyone loves “Top 5” or “Top 10” lists, so create content around that theme. Give recommendations to followers about your your top five blog posts, products, tools or resources to build a conversation around them.

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10. Infographics:
Infographics are the combination of art & science that emerge as winners when it comes to story-telling and content marketing. Using vivid graphics and pictures, you are able to market your content much better than ever. Since they’re easy to scan and download, infographics are a content marketer’s best friend. Even if you don’t possess technical design knowledge, use these infographic designing tools and get going in no time.

11. Fan Photos:
At the end of the day, social media isn’t about hard-core advertising or selling. It’s about socialising with your followers, potential customers & businesses. Reach out to fans, explore their content and share them on your platforms to build rapport.

12. Comic Strips:
This is an undying way of portraying industry sentiments in a humorous manner. Look for comics related to your niche, share them and credit the creator to build relationships that go a long away.


13. Facebook Live:
Live videos are the next big thing in social media interaction and since Facebook’s algorithm gives more preference to live videos, you get more organic reach in your followers’ newsfeed.

14. YouTube Videos:
Videos perform excellently on social media in terms of engagement and post views. To benefit from this tactic, embed original or curated YouTube clips in your posts to get your audience talking. “According to research from Twitter, tweets with videos earn 2.5 times more replies.”

15. SlideShare Presentations:
The forms of content are endless, implying that even SlideShare presentations can be an effective alternative (or addition) to your regular blog posts. Develop a power-packed slideshow and share it with your audience to boost your content marketing efforts.

16. Contests: 
Grab your audience’s attention by running contests for a sample or extended trial of your product.  The contest could involve sharing pictures, comments, shares, hash tagging and so on.

17. Contributions to Trends and Hashtags: 
It’s so easy to find trending content on the internet these days. Check out Twitter’s trending hashtags and ride on the popularity of it with a comment that reflects your B2B brand. This will position you as an up-to-date and interesting brand.

Keeping an eye out for trending topics, shared by famous icons - this can be a great practice to create content for your B2B social media pages. 

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18. Occasional & Seasonal Holiday Posts:
Are you a global brand with operations and fans in multiple countries?
If so, prepare and maintain a calendar of global holidays & occurrences to create celebratory and seasonal posts around them to appeal to fans across the globe.

19. Company-Specific News:
“Go Big or Go Home”, when it comes to making special company announcements. Create a loud buzz and ride the social media waves whenever your firm announces something new such as a product, expansion, event or more.

20. Competitive Comparison:
Create an infographic or video showing how well you fare against your competitor in terms of features, pricing, reviews, etc. This is a great way of getting all the leads you never had.


We also recommend checking out this detailed content idea generation guide by Keyhole. It's packed with tons of non-exhaustive ideas so you don't have to struggle with non-creative days ever again. 

How to monitor social media in 10 minutes

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