
Before selecting any asset for your business, there’s an incredible amount of pondering done over its lifespan, reliability, ease of usage, and integration with your firm’s existing infrastructure - especially if you’re an entrepreneur or a senior management member of any firm.

You’d, afterall, look for the best asset for your money’s worth. A purchase decision involving CRM softwares is no different.
It wouldn’t be wrong to term a CRM software as the backbone of your business’ operations. We could go on forever about how easier a CRM platform makes your life but we would instead save that idea for another blog article, backed up with data and real-life case study examples.

If you’re under pressure to revolutionize the way your organisation operates and streamline the sales process, we’ve got some secret tips for you that’ll be of great help in selecting the best CRM software for your firm.

Are you a newbie to the world of CRM?
Here’s the perfect article to help you understand and get started.


Although you may have noticed that we’re appearing a little biased being one of it’s partner agencies, we can whole-heartedly vouch for Hubspot CRM as an ideal customer relationship management software.

Nonetheless, here are 10 benefits of Hubspot over other CRM softwares and providers:

1) Made for companies of varied sizes

With the advent of Inbound marketing, companies with 200 employees or less have shown an overwhelming response in favour of adopting inbound marketing for their organization.



Source: HubSpot's State of Inbound 2015

The main aim of every firm is to increase leads and convert them, regardless of whether they’re B2B, B2C, not-for-profit, etc.

HubSpot provides comprehensive data facilitating an easier-to-prove ROI, enabling increased budgets for every new month/quarter.

2) SMARKETING (Sales & Marketing) is better with HubSpot

Sales and marketing are closely knitted to each other - in fact, they're woven from the same piece of cloth. Due to their integrated impact on any firm’s profitability, sales and marketing need to coexist in harmony in order to reap the benefits of inbound marketing. At the end of the day, the leads you generate through marketing need to be converted into profitable customers with the help of your sales team.

This is one of the crucial benefits of Hubspot over other CRM softwares - it makes SMARKETING (Sales + Marketing) better and beyond.

3) Flexible Pricing options

Whether it’s Microsoft Office or Adobe Creative Suite, all professional grade softwares come with a heavy price tag, but are still necessary due to their immense usefulness and powerful application in any organization.

As compared to other platforms available in the market with comparable features, HubSpot’s pricing structure is quite competitive and offers more value.

Although, purchasing HubSpot requires the user to sign a year-long contract upfront, its three different plans and a variety of add-ons offer flexibility in the investment required from your side, since you’re given the option of picking the features that you actually need for your firm.

“If you don’t use it, you don’t have to pay for it. Enough said”.

4) Available wherever you are

Being a SaaS (Software as a service), your HubSpot account can be accessed on any browser, on any device, anywhere in the world as long as you’ve got a working internet connection. This makes working “out-of-office” more realistic and convenient than ever without having to install extra softwares or downloadables.

5) Ease of Navigation and learning

HubSpot emerges as a clear winner when it comes to being user-friendly and uncumbersome to the user. No matter how new you may be to the world of inbound marketing or automation softwares, Hubspot’s responsive and easily navigable menu dropdowns can get you geared up in no time.

PLUS you get access to an extensive library of free webinars, certifications, and tutorials available in the HubSpot Academy to help you develop as an inbound marketing professional.

By understanding the current technological scenario and how businesses need tech-tools to survive, Hubspot’s Connect Partners ensures that its software seamlessly integrates with popular tools and programs that are widely used in most industries.

6) Huge Variety of Integrations made possible:

Zendesk, PandaDoc, EventBrite, AdRoll, Wistia, Snapengage, GoToWebinar, Salesforce, FreshBooks, Unbounce, SurveyMonkey, LeadPages, Zapier, WordPress, Google Chrome, and the list goes on - All these are supported by Hubspot Connect Partners that hosts integrations for dozens of the most popular tools available.
View the complete list here.


In addition to that, HubSpot has made it extremely easy for developers to build their own integrations. By opting to become a Connect partner, you get access HubSpot’s API, their support team, and several valuable perks.
If this interests you, get started here.

7) Collaborative, Comprehensive & Visual Reporting

If data was a currency, HubSpot would be one of the richest CRM softwares in the world.

With detailed data tracking and strictly recorded figures, Hubspot provides extremely comprehensive and visual reports ranging from number of page views and blog subscribers to lead behavior and page performance. You can literally get reports on any parameter you desire.

To make matters even better, majority of the most-wanted reports are readily available, which can also be automatically emailed to your or a colleague at a desired time.

The icing on the cake is that you can create custom reports based on certain parameters such as actions, properties, website performance, contact behavior, and more.

With the added ability to create custom dashboards for different teams in your organization, everyone accesses information that is suitable for them only.

8) Can be collectively used with other CRMs

HubSpot CRM can simultaneously used with other CRM platforms, such as SFDC or Microsoft Dynamics without affecting any data or operations pertaining to your organization.

9) Unparalleled Customer Support

While many other marketing and sales software providers add a price tag to their customer support feature, Hubspot tech support has always been included free of charge. You can get in touch with support engineers during normal working hours on their support line or submit a ticket online at any time.

To top it all off, their support team is quite friendly, knowledgeable and easy to get in touch with - you won’t have to go through the agony of painfully slow automated voice systems and frustrating menus.

10) Highly active with the largest community in the world

Hubspot boasts of having a larger community than any other marketing software company in the world. If you dare to delve into the details, you’ll notice that most of the smaller communities from their competitors are active users at

Hubspot’s annual conference called “INBOUND” is a testimony to their highly proactive persona and industrial prowess. The conference enables entrepreneurs, marketers, start-ups, and business-lovers to meet, network and create new opportunities for themselves.

With past speakers such as Gary Vaynerchuk, Rand Fishkin, and even Alec Baldwin, INBOUND is by far the biggest conference for entrepreneurs, marketers and alike.

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