Brands and businesses have to continously be on the lookout for ways to increase their productivity, reduce costs and maximise profits. A crucial way to optimize business operations is to use a CRM (Customer Relationship Management) system. 

If you're a business owner and are new to the CRM universe, here's our quick 5-step guide on how to get started with it.

In case you're already an existing CRM user, you're already aware that a fully functional CRM (Customer Relationship Management) system is the backbone of every business organization, no matter how small or large it may be  - in terms of size, operations or number of employees.

Due to the sacrosanct nature of a CRM software, integrating it with your WordPress website (or any website for this matter) can do wonders for your business.

Remember - a CRM is only as effective as the data in it.

There are plenty of firms out there who don’t integrate CRM with their website, thus being blissfully unaware of the added advantages they could have if they actually did so. By integrating CRM with your WordPress website, you can open up a world of business effectiveness and better management possibilities, that you probably didn’t know existed.

Integrating CRM with website

Here's our pick on the 5 advantages of integrating CRM with website:

1. Instant access to real-time data.

Integrating CRM with website enables you to get a hold of updated data - instantly. This also eliminates any grounds of doubt based on the accuracy of data - after all, the data that’s present in the CRM has flown in directly from the website. You will no longer have to ramble and struggle with outdated and incomplete data entries. CRM-to-website integration is therefore really advantageous when you’re communicating with customers because you possess the latest data related to their order and profile, thus helping you climb extraordinarily high levels of customer satisfaction resulting in increased sales.

2. Increased productivity and reduced manual work:

Imagine the amount of time getting wasted when you export data from the website, then import it into the CRM. What’s even worse is manually copy-pasting data from your website to the CRM. The worst case scenario could even involve in the data not being recorded at all in the CRM.
By integrating your website with CRM, you’re automating tasks between both the platforms, thus reducing administration overheads. This not only increases employee productivity, but also helps you save time and money.

3. Centralized & Single source of accurate data:

Your business requires customer data to create and products to ensure a steady cash flow. The different departments of your business use customer data differently in their own way to reach the overall organisational objectives. By integrating your website with CRM, you have access to the one and only centralised and accurate source of information on your customers and target audience. This saves you from manually storing data at various sources and forgetting about it later which would result in duplication and increased time spent in finding it in the system. By integrating both platforms, you possess the master record of each customer and leads - all in a single and automatic source. By avoiding duplication and increasing efficiency of operations, an integration could help you increase conversion rates resulting in higher profits.

4. Effective Buyer Personas and Customer Profiles:

CRM systems allow you to create profiles for your customers and leads based on factors such as their enquiry behavior, buying pattern, importance in terms of deal size, frequency of purchase, day-to-day correspondences, feedback and so on. More data on a customer means a better profile, and as you feed accurate data into the CRM, you obtain a very accurate profile of your target customers, helping you understand them and sell better.
By having access to a complete customer profile, your marketing efforts can be greatly enhanced due to the tailor-made nature of target messages and communication. You can even track conversion rates and customer responses online by integrating your website with CRM.

5. Growth in sales:

Here’s how a successful CRM-to-website integration can help you increase sales figures:

  • More data on customers help you understand them better.
  • By understanding them better you create the right marketing messages for them.
  • The right marketing messages help customers choose the right product.
  • By enabling customers to choose the right product, your sales efforts will be enhanced.

And with this, you can achieve higher sales, more bonuses, happy employees and satisfied customers.

Integrating CRM with website goes a long way in enhancing customer relationships and reducing response time.

To get started with the integration process, get in touch with us and we’ll take care of the rest.

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